Watch the official trailer
Watch the official trailer
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"A dream is the bearer of a new possibility, the enlarged horizon, the great hope"
Howard Thurman
Our story starts over a decade ago on the coast of El Salvador, in a tiny village called El Zonte. When faced with the tough decision of leaving their country in search of a brighter future, two youngsters decided to buck the trend. They would stay, standing up to the challenges of their land with the dream of building a better tomorrow for their own community.
Years of efforts bringing education, hope and opportunity to the local children led to a bigger dream altogether: to create a local bitcoin economy that could transform their village completely. Little did they know this would ultimately lead to the government of El Salvador passing an historic new law, making it the first country in the world to declare bitcoin as legal tender.

A revolutionary shift in El Salvador
The epic true story of El Salvador’s adoption of Bitcoin has now been released.
This unique documentary is the first film to tell the full magical story of the social project ‘Bitcoin Beach’ that paved the way to this new law. We explore what could this mean for the world…what impact will this have – not just for the people of El Salvador – but for humanity itself?
Please donate bitcoin
‘Bitcoin Beach’ evolved from a social project bringing education, hope and opportunity to the children of the village of El Zonte and surrounding communities.
It later became a bitcoin focused initiative that has now brought hope to humanity itself, but to this day, the social projects for some of the poorest people of El Salvador continue to be funded by donations.
We have a formal agreement that at least 90% of any profits from this film will go to Bitcoin Beach and the social projects they continue to work on.
Any donations to help sustain and grow this project would be HUGELY appreciated!
Learn more about Bitcoin Beach here: www.bitcoinbeach.com